it colourfull if we can feel together |
hari ni aq blajar smthing yg x de kt mn2 pn,,,, i learn by own kot...kejujuran dgn diri ooooo,it very precious..sblum tu mcm2 ad dlm pala otak.....bkn ap, ego tyme2 kot tggi..thp dewa noh..mlanya aq mmg pndg remeh bnda neh...aloh,, it nothing la and not a crucial mistake pom....then,hari2 aq pn blalu ngn selamba....tp mcm mn pn hati aq rs mcm ad yg x kna...owg x nmpk la hya aq yg thu mcm mn.....ishhh.. kalo p rs cm..ish x smart la,kn cikit pn takot,tarak guna...dn..aq pn biarkn lg...but it still disturbing n irritated mind aq..ok,the solution is take as much time as i needed to flash back about my past...ohhhh tuhan,kegagalan dtg btimpa2,salah satu sebabnya x blaku jujur dgn diri sdiri walaupun ia hya bnda yg sgt remeh...skecil biji ceri...wahhhhh!!!kalu hari2 aq kumpul biji ceri n campare ngan umur,,,,,??slagi tu aq biarkan,,,ia akn ikut....dn ikot aq ,,mbey bole bawak mati kot..how about the others mistakes....jenuh la bertan2...dlm sedar x sedar salama ne aq dok usung kesalahan2 yg kdg2 aq pn x sedar bla aq wat dn xthu smpi bla akn selesai.... back to the topic,slps muhasabah diri sat,aq pn set target to finish as well as this week jgk,,x kra mesty wat,,tp dgaan plg berat nk mlwn ngn part negatif/nafsu/syaitan yg sntiasa mengekor,,ish,,," ag x tkot ka kn maki kaw2 sat g,kna basuh sejam ka',,,dn rs tgugt pn mjelma..tp dek krn niat yg aq psg bhari-hari,aq truskn lgkah...tp pusing jgk,mnx2 dya x dk la..oh no...dya ad....huh,,!ok,walau ap yg blaku aq msty truskn jgk...mmg set dlm pala dya akn melenting...msty pya sal ms serah pn da lama lps kot,jeng3..but it totally miracle!!!Dya smbt aq dgn aisyh...fuh..... lps aq xplain n give that baek pya brg,mmg x de riak mrah,nk melenting,mka x pueh hati,x dk....mmg kalo ikot kn for sure jntung nk luruh beb....gila..gila,,,,,mbey niat aq elok n Allah nk permudah jln...tyme 2 aq nmpk dn rs sdiri bla owg kta,,,nk wat baik insyaallah Allah akn bka jln...plg aq tersentuh,,dya siap doakan aq lg,,,Ya Allah,time tu aq rs lapang sgt.hya Allah yg thu..senyuman dya btol2 ikhlas,dn aq rs sgt2 dihargai...slps tu aq pikir,,mcm mn ea tipu diri sdiri???.....ishhhhh.....pelek.....tipu diri sendiri????? kalo owg tipu kta,,,bodo la kalo x mrh,,,so kalo kta tipu diri sdiri,,,likely,,bodo jgk la kta.......at least,dis tyme i got a new lesson, firstly be frank with urself,then people will respect u...as long as ur ve strong intention...juz move it... let bygone be bygone larhh..hahaha