act aq takut bhadapan ngn kenyataan,,,tp nk wat cm mn tulah knyataan,,,,fact ve to face...being a loser smtimes very irritated...how to escape from feel that such suck feeling needed me to be a pretended person....for me it ok be pretend initially so our intention to change will come... slowly n slowly....as long ad sekelumit rsa from deepest our heart nk berubah......yeah,,,,aq akn cuba,,,,dan aq sntiasa keep these words" im own n owe myself"..for sure i ve right on me..but still owe till the end with Him......aq sgt setuju bla owg kta idup ne mcm ats pentas....kalo dgr mmg akn kta direct gna ayat ne,,,then wat derk..aq pn sm la dlu...tp bla aq pikir blik..n imagine,,,kalo kt ats pntas bla ms lma mn pn kt ats stage tu,,,lastly kta akn bhenti jga...it juz an acting and then back to the normal life...mcm la kta kt bumi ne,,,,aggap je cam ats pentas n will back to our destiny for sure...if our acting is good..we will get.the precious n unexpected rewards,,,,,,,so nk x nk aq kna la sntiasa motivated mcm mn nk jd manusia yg sebetulnya...mlaupn kdg kala terslip jgk,,,,,it ok,,juz a normal proses n challenging to reach the perfection....oh yeah,,,,,hahahaha,,,,mcm2,,,,,,,
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